How Does Invisalign Work? | Castle Hills 3D Orthodontics

How Does Invisalign Work?


Invisalign is an alternative orthodontic treatment that is more comfortable to traditional braces. Invisalign corrects bite problems and aligns teeth. Invisalign uses a series of smooth, plastic alignment trays, each of which is slightly more aligned than your teeth. As you progress through treatment, your teeth shift into alignment with the tray.  When you complete treatment with your trays, you will wear a retainer to ensure your teeth stay in their new position. 

Getting Started With Invisalign

Many people are excellent candidates for Invisalign treatment. During your initial evaluation, you will have reduced radiation digital 3D dental x-rays taken to help with case diagnosis.

Next, you’ll have 3D digital impressions using state-of-the-art imaging technology (iTero element scanning device). Dr. Seifelnasr will then use the scan to render an image of what your teeth and smile will look like once you complete your treatment.  

Can Invisalign Correct All Orthodontic Problems?

Invisalign can be used to correct mild to severe orthodontic problems for kids, teenagers and adults

  • Crowded teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Slanted teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Open bite 
  • Crossbite

Your Invisalign treatment may also include Invisalign buttons or invisalign wings.

 Invisalign buttons are small, barely noticeable tooth-colored resin “buttons” bonded to the front of your teeth. They are necessary for teeth that require additional pressure to move into alignment.

Invisalign wings may be necessary to correct an overbite. Technically known as “mandibular advancement precision wings” these small wings help to shift the lower jaw forward to correct overbites. They also help improve the appearance of the chin. 

Just like with traditional braces, you may also need to use elastics (rubber bands) to correct bite issues such as a crossbite or overbite. 

Is Invisalign Better than Regular Braces?

Both Invisalign and traditional braces achieve the same objectives of aligning the teeth and correcting bite problems. There are some benefits that Invisalign offers that traditional braces cannot compete with. These include:

  • More subtle treatment option
  • Less abrasive to the soft tissues inside the lips and cheeks
  • Allows you to eat whatever you want
  • Ability to clean the entire surface of the teeth while undergoing orthodontic treatment
  • No special tools are required for brushing or flossing
  • May offer a shorter treatment time

In addition to Invisalign treatment, other nearly invisible alignment technologies have emerged that offer the same subtly as Invisalign. For example, Spark aligners use the same alignment technology, but the trays may be more resistant to staining and may be more comfortable.

Schedule a Free Consultation for Invisalign in Lewisville, TX

At Castle Hills 3D Orthodontics, we provide free Invisalign consultations to patients from Lewisville, TX, and surrounding communities. Request an appointment, or call 469-598-1700 to schedule your consultation.